Meeting with Jakeline Romero Epiayú and Camilo Pachón
Thu, 26 October, 7 p.m.


Language: English
Registration until 25 October at ch@temporarygallery.org

Networking meeting with human rights and environmental activist Jakeline Romero Epiayú from La Guajira (Colombia) and artist Camilo Pachón, Berlin/Bogotá (Colombia)

With the organization Sütsuin Jiyeyu Wayuu - Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu, Jakeline Romero Epiayú has been fighting since 2006 in Colombia against the blood coal from El Cerrejón and for the defense of territories, water and the rights of indigenous communities. Also participating in the networking meeting is the artist Camilo Pachón, who collaborates with anti-mining activists in Colombia.

Both will be guests at the Temporary Gallery in Cologne on October 26, 2023 at 7 p.m. and would like to network and exchange with movements, organizers, journalists and artists in North Rhine-Westphalia. The exchange will deal with questions of colonial continuities and solidary organizing as well as with the possibility of a decolonial cooperation of art, activism and art institutions. The goal is the steady building of solidary and long-term partner:ing relationships.

Camilo Pachón, The Giant Hole Spirit, 2023