with Joanna Stange & iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo
3 March, 7 p.m.


Joanna and iSaAc will be guiding the participants through some of the essences in their collaborative work and practices explored for their participative rituals and gathering performances. This workshop performance is an invitation to every person curious for nonverbal communication processes, such as painting, movement, sound & party transforming the exhibition spaces. There is no background in painting, dancing or music needed but joy for chocolate! Every person is welcome, please bring your families & friends and comfortable warm clothes! It will be facilitated in English, German and Spanish.

Please register under, so that  the space can be best prepared for you.

Joanna Stange: "Various series coexist at the center of my work, which I continue to develop in equal measure. While my headshapes represent an everyday act and are graphic and almost unequivocal in their aesthetics, my painting is an intuitive act in which I avoid any unambiguousness. My painted figures, always with long and many extremities, are free of assigned roles or genders. I work photographs into my large-format oil paintings, which enable me to model new realities with my memories.
The people and their stories primarily influence my work. I work with people with disabilities, with queer youth, with refugee women, lesbian activists from Zambia and children. In 2020 I cooperated with the Cologne-Rio town twinning association in order to deal with the history of Marielle Franco (1979-2018) on site. I have been involved in the LSBTIQ* community and the free art scene in Cologne since 2016. I volunteered as a delegate in the development of the funding concept for cultural participation (City of Cologne) and have been a member of the Cologne Art and Culture Committee as a knowledgeable resident since 2021.
As a feminist and as a lesbian, my work and life is always political. My intention is to always emphasize the positive and release energies that inspire me and others."

iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo is an Ecuadorian performer, choreographer and violinist based in Cologne. Her works deal with transdisciplinary constellations and experimental quests of real-time composition, decoloniality, queerness and ritualism empowering local communities.
iSaAc works such as Mama Dulu (2023), she-saac (2020/21), among us (2019), Doris' Hand (2018), Perform Atelier (2018), among others; iSaAc is the artistic director and founder of maiskind, an artistic community in Cologne, with whom she created Gathering of Gathering of Gargoyles (2022), MAISTARS mit Starlab (2022), maiskind the film (2021/22) being shared in various countries in Europe, online and in Ecuador. Since 2022 iSaAc is as a member of SOFRA Queer Migrants e.V. and interfemme e.V.
They have worked for and with StephanieThiersch - Mouvoir Dance Company, Brigitta Muntendorf - Ensemble Garage - Köln, Marina Abramovic & MAI - Abramovic Institute, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Mehdi Farajpour - Oriantheatre Dance Company Paris, Amanda Piña, Ensemble hand werk - Köln, Theater St. Gallen – Marcos Darbyshire, Lynsey Peisinger, InesDoujak, Dayna Martinez - Amsterdam, Annalisa Derossi – BTHVN20, Valeria Gonzalez - interfemme, among others. They received, among others the DAAD Prize 2016 of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz - HfMT Cologne and further public and private scholarships at the Junior RNCM Manchester, FOSJE Quito – Ecuador, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Center for Contemporary Dance - ZZT in Cologne and the Stockholm University of the Arts.

Joanna Stange & iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo: Research iSaAc + Joanna, 2021, Photo: Bastian van Velthoven

Funding and support:
Mondriaan Fund
Stiftung Kunstfonds and NEUSTART KULTUR
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kunststiftung NRW
Creative Europe
With the kind support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kulturamt der Stadt Köln
Deltax contemporary
Hotel Chelsea

The event is part of a larger endeavor called "Islands of Kinship: A Collective Manual for Sustainable and Inclusive Art Institutions”, in which CCA Temporary Gallery works with six international partner institutions: Jindrich Chalupecky Society (Prague), Latvian Center for Contemporary Art (Riga), Frame Contemporary Art Finland (Helsinki), Julius Koller Society (Bratislava), Faculty of things that can't be learned (Skopje) and Stroom den Haag (The Hague). Islands of Kinship is co-funded by the EU Program Creative Europe.